Free your Sexuality & your Mind will follow!

Transform feelings of numbness, fear, or shame into joy, pleasure, and love.

Free your Sexuality & your Mind will follow!

Transform feelings of numbness, fear, or shame into joy, pleasure, and love.

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Hi, I'm Mia O

I am a women’s pleasure psychologist, somatic therapist, and sex coach.
Pleasure Psychology is a term I have developed to describe my life’s mission: to create the most beautiful connection between your mind, body and emotions.

This glow of pleasure others will sense is only the beginning of an almost magical transformational journey and it starts the moment you decide to bet on yourself. With patience and practice – you too can create a life full of confidence and power.

If a woman becomes truly and shamelessly embodied in her feminine sensuality and sexuality surely her orgasms become so much better, Oh YES! And even more importantly she changes and she goes on and changes the world around her.

This is what I am passionate about. If you want support in this journey, you have come to the right place.

Mia Web 040 home

Hi, I'm Mia O

I am a women’s pleasure psychologist.
Pleasure Psychology is a term I have developed to describe my life’s mission: to create the most beautiful connection between your mind, body and emotions.

This glow of pleasure others will sense is only the beginning of an almost magical transformational journey and it starts the moment you decide to bet on yourself. With patience and practice – you too can create a life full of confidence and power.

If a woman becomes truly and shamelessly embodied in her feminine sensuality and sexuality surely her orgasms become so much better, Oh YES! And even more importantly she changes and she goes on and changes the world around her.

This is what I am passionate about. If you want support in this journey, you have come to the right place.

I believe in the limitless potential of female pleasure.

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Pleasure Psychology

I see myself as a facilitator between you and your resources. One of your most powerful resource? Pleasure!

We often seek pleasure outside, but it actually comes from within. Inner pleasure is an inseparable part of our being, of our essence, waiting to be unleashed. From within we can flourish in our sexuality and thrive in every aspect of our life.

With somatic practices, emotion-regulation tools, and liberating mind techniques, we activate your pleasure from within. The aim is to create a harmonious connection of your mind, body and emotions – so you can live a confident and empowered life.

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Mia Web red

Pleasure from within

I see myself as a facilitator between you and your resources. One of your most powerful resource? Pleasure!

We often seek pleasure outside, but it actually comes from within. Inner pleasure is an inseparable part of our being, of our essence, waiting to be unleashed. From within we can flourish in our sexuality and thrive in every aspect of our life.

With somatic practices, emotion-regulation tools, and liberating mind techniques, we activate your pleasure from within. The aim is to create a harmonious connection of your mind, body and emotions – so you can live a confident and empowered life.

"There comes a time when the risk to remain tight in a bud is more painful than the risk it takes to blossom."

– Anais Nin

Want to make your love life better?
Interested in exploring your pleasure potential to boost your happiness and connection?
Whether you’re looking to improve or attract a relationship or just feel more confident about your body and sexuality, I’ve got you covered!

Where is your pleasure journey going?

1:1 Pleasure Coaching

Embark on a transformative 1:1 coaching journey to enhance your pleasure. Explore barriers, ignite confidence, and unlock deeper sensations… while having fun! Start having the sex and love life you always wanted.

Jumpstart your Pleasure

Your brain is your biggest pleasure organ. Not only your consciousness determines your pleasure, but also your subconscious! In this intensive workshop, you will learn how to bring your passionate subconscious into bed. Look forward to a pleasure-mindset that makes you shine. How much pleasure can you handle?

Free Pleasure

Get inspired by my O Journal, in which I share free pleasure resources, juicy informations about Psychology and Pleasure, and sexy updates with you. Do you want to become part of the Secret Sexy Women Society?

Navigating the intricacies of sexuality and pleasure can be both exciting and challenging.

The most common challenges of women I work with are:

What are common goals of women I work with?


Overcome desire and libido concerns and learn how to rekindle desire.


Overcome difficulties to reach orgasm and experience orgasm more regularly or for the first time.


Rediscover intimacy and passion within your relationship.

Body Positivity

Overcome body image issues and appreciate your unique beauty.


Find out what you really want in bed and learn how to own your desires with confidence.


How to communicate openly your desires and creating satisfying intimate connections.


Learn how to be fully present in moments of pleasure. 


Become shameless and let go of destructive negative beliefs about yourself and your sexuality.


Let go of perfomance pressure and trust your pleasure intuition.

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